Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's funny. I've never seen myself as a girlie girl. My attire since I can remember has always been t-shirts and jeans. Me in a dress was close to unheard of, and as far as makeup went it was non-existent.

So a year and a half ago I decided it was time for a little change. I was going to start being a little more feminine, and a little less boyish. No, I did not change who I am by any means. I've never been a big makeup person so I simply decided to start using it as a first step to a new me. When I first started out, it was horrible to say the least. My usual thing to do in the mornings were to wash my face, apply lip balm, and head out the door. Then it dawned on me, makeup is like art. Your face is your canvas, and you can make yourself look however you want and express yourself how you see fit. The next thing I knew I was hooked.

A good friend of mine and I were talking, and we just happened to touch on the subject of diet and makeup. I started rambling on and on with tips and things that I have learned over the last year and a half. She stops me and asks, "Why aren't you doing this for a living? If you put this stuff in a blog I bet people would read it." I stopped and thought about it. I never saw myself as a "guru" of any sort, but I do know that there are some people out there that want tips, tricks, and just some direction when it comes to these things.

So this is it. My blog. My goal is to be able to share what I've learned with all of you, and create a place where your opinion does matter. From beauty tips, to cooking. I believe that expressing your self is what makes you a unique individual. You should always seek inspiration in everything around you, and express yourself in that special way that we all have.

1 comment:

  1. good stuff Em!! keep it coming! oh i started mine but didnt really post up a decent topic yet. but follow me anyway! heeehee
