Sunday, April 3, 2011

What's Lurking In Your Makeup

We all know the importance of keeping our makeup brushes clean.  Keeping our brushes clean between uses prevents everything from nasty skin infections, irritations, and yes, even the dreaded breakouts.  But what about our makeup? Think about it, you dip your brush in your product, then apply it to your face, and then dip it in product again.  When you're done using your product your seal it, and store it.  All that nasty bacteria is cultivating in your favorite makeup products.  So what do you do?

DO NOT clean  your makeup products with water (especially your eyeshadows).  Water will make them totally useless, and the only thing your eyeshadow will be good for at that point is a eyeliner.  What do I do?  Use a isopropyl  alcohol (available at any drug store) in a spray bottle.  Simply give your products (blush, eyeshadow,  lip liner, eye liner, etc.) a few quick spritzes, then set aside for a few seconds to dry (set it on a clean paper towel or clean hand towel to prevent surface contact with bathroom or kitchen counters).  Wa-lah!  Your make up is now clean and sterilized!

1 comment:

  1. wow. im kinda grossed out right now. thanks for the info!!
